Multiple Scenes

Using Scene and SceneManager

Scene Creation and Management

  1. Creating Scenes and Entities:

    You're already creating scenes and entities in your previous tutorials. Each scene can contain one or more entities, each of which has components like Transform and Sprite.

  2. Loading Scenes:

    To load a scene using the SceneManager, you use the LoadScene method and pass the scene's ID as an argument. First scene gets loaded by default.

     const mainMenu = new Scene("MainMenu");
     const game = new Scene("Game");
     const gameOver = new Scene("GameOver");
     // or

    Once a scene is loaded, the previous scene is unloaded automatically. There can be only one scene loaded at a time

  3. Loading Scenes Additively:

    You can load scenes additively using LoadSceneAdditive method. This allows you to have multiple scenes active at once.

     const mainMenu = new Scene("MainMenu");
     const game = new Scene("Game");
     const gameOver = new Scene("GameOver");
     // All the three scenes are loaded at a time. 
     // Note: mainMenu is the active scene, as it was loaded first.
  4. Unloading Scenes:

    To unload scenes, you can use UnloadScene or UnloadAllAdditiveScenes method. The former unloads a specific scene, and the latter unloads all additive scenes except the currently active scene.

Scene Callbacks

The Scene class has callback methods that you can override:

  • OnSceneLoad: Called when the scene is loaded.
  • OnSceneUnload: Called when the scene is unloaded.
  • OnSceneLoadAdditive: Called when the scene is loaded additively.
  • OnSceneUnloadAdditive: Called when the scene is unloaded additively.

Directory Structure and Control Flow

Here's an ASCII art diagram representing a simplified directory structure and the control flow for your code:

├── src/    # Neptune.js source code
└── your-app-folder/
    ├── index.js
    ├── index.html
    ├── style.css
    ├── components/  
    └── scenes/
        ├── Scene1.js
        └── Scene2.js

  • src/ is where the Neptune.js source code is located.
  • your-app-folder contains your application code.
  • main.js initializes and runs your application.
  • scenes/ directory contains scene scripts, e.g., Scene1.js and Scene2.js.
  • components/ directory (similar to React) can be used to define reusable components. i.e. overriding existing components or creating new ones.

Control Flow:

  1. index.js initializes your app and sets up initial scenes and entities.
  2. Scenes and entities interact with each other using Scene and Entity classes.

Please note that this is a simplified representation, and in a real-world application, you might have a more complex structure and additional components.

Feel free to adjust the directory structure and control flow according to your application's needs.